Monday 8 February 2016

Different Types Of Fangirl!

Different Types of Fangirl! 
The Hardliner 
The Hardliner is a strictly one Fandom Fangirl. They only accept their Fandom, and their ships. They don't except crossover ships or people belittling their Fandom or saying another is better. They will try to convert you to their fandom and hope you fall in love with it, the same as them. 
The Undercover 
You'll never know that she is a fangirl. She never speaks about it and she doesn't have merchandise. She waits until she goes onto the internet to show her obsessive fangirl side all over every site that will listen to her fangirling. Basically a closet fangirl. ;-) 

The All-rounder 
They like every fandom a little bit and are always being introduced to new fandoms, but they cant seem to find one that's just right for them. They don't have a main fandom. They're very open-minded about fandoms. 
The Godmother 
You're new to the Fandom, That's cute! All you need is to find yourself a fandom Godmother she'll be happy to take care of you and answer all your questions about the mystical world of being a fangirl. ;) 
The Shipper 
She ships absolutely everything! If she doesn't have a ship for a show the world is about to end because this girl ships everything from crossover characters to the teacher in her school. If she could she would ship inanimate objects. Heck she even ships colors! 
The Hardcore (not the same as Hardliner) 
This fangirl knows absolutely everything about their fandom and when I say everything I don't use the word lightly. If there is anything you don't know just listen to her talk and it should come up at one time or another because she talks about her fandom all the time. She most likely has all the merchandise they sell, and watches/ reads/ listens to anything to do with her fandom over and over and over again. Usually likes to hang out with other fangirls so her fangirl time isn't limited. 
Comment which Fangirl you think you are... ;)  