Tuesday 24 November 2015

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell [REVIEW]

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell 

September 10 2013

young adult
  • Summary:  
Meet Cath, a Simon Snow fanfic writer. Attends college and is sincerely worried for her father. Has a twin named Wren who unlike Cath loves her independence and tries to wean herself away from her sister. Which she does so with no problem. But Cath, who has always leaned on her sister finds it very difficult to talk to her estranged new dorm mate and that one handsome yet annoying guy. All while she tries to her update her work of fiction. 

  • Review: 
This book was so funny and yet so touching, I couldn’t put the it down and even if I did I was always tempted to pick it back up again. The story revolves around Cath who is a fanfic writer for the series Simon Snow. She starts college with her sister and there she meets many people. This book really opened my eyes. As a fanfic writer and a fellow fangirl, I could relate to Cath. I realized myself that I am a lot like her in that we are both bad at socializing. But also a little bit like Wren, someone who wants independence.  

  • Recommendation: 
If you are looking to sit back, relax and read a good contemporary, then Fangirl is the book for you. I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes the fluffy romance and the quirky sense of humor this book holds. Hopefully, you pick it up and enjoy it! 

Rating: /5 

-Your chibi, Chibi

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