Friday 29 April 2016

This is my Top 5 List

This is my Top 5 List :) 

Top 5 Anime: 
  1. Death Parade.  
  2. Sao (Sword Art Online).  
  3. Kaichou Wa Maid Sama 
  4. Listen to me Girls! I am your Father.  
  5. My Little Monster.  

Top 5 Movie: 
  1. Harry Potter.  
  2. Dead pool.  
  3. Two Night Stand.  
  4. Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters.    
  5. Vampire Academy.  

Top 5 T.V. Shows: 
  1. Pretty Little Liars.  
  2. Shadowhunters 
  3. Under The Dome.  
  4. Faking it.  
  5. Game Of Thrones.  

Top 5 Books: 
  1. The Mortal Instruments.  
  2. The Testing.  
  3. BLG (Blue Lavender Girl).  
  4. The Spook's Apprentice.  
  5. Starters.  

Top 5 Songs: 
  1. Angel With A Shotgun by The Cab. 
  2. Lost Boy by.
  3. Whip it by Nicki Manja. 
  4. Better then Revenge by Taylor Swift.  
  5. Stitches by Sean. 

Top 5 Quotes: 
  1. Some people create their own storms, then get upset when it Rains. 
  2. There is nothing to writing all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. 
  3. You're a work of ART. Not everyone will understand you, But the ones who do, will never forget you. 
  4. They've promised that dreams can come true, but they forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams too. 
  5. Sometimes You Have to Stop thinking so much and just go where your heart takes you. 


Wednesday 20 April 2016

How You Know You're a Fangirl!

How You Know You're a Fangirl!

1.You are ready at anytime to have a heated debate on why your fandom is the best and why a hater should really be loving it.

2.You basically have a shrine in your room full of merchandise  of the fandom you love ❤️ (mostly hardcore fangirls though, see: Different types of Fangirl). 

3.Whenever you see an ad for their movie/ the book trailer/ or their new music video you don't skip it, you do a little happy dance, smile and/or scream, steal, giggle and shout (You're Fangirling). 

4.No matter how shitty/ bad the fanfic you're reading is, if it's about your fandom or your OTP you have an obsession with it and you just can't put it down. Plus you just have to befriend the author because they just get you and your love of your fandom. 

5.You want your own fandom related tattoo (once your old enough or your parents allow you  that is, personally I want an angelic rune or a fearless rune) and you know every tattoo, piercing etc. that your favourite character/ band member/ actor/ singer etc. has. 

6.You happy cry whenever someone gives you something or anything related to your fandom, like a limited edition book cover or a sound track or t-shirt…

7.You know absolutely everything about your fandom and love it when people ask you about it so you can just talk and talk and talk about it, until you run out of things to say. (Which usually takes a while) 😉

Hope you Enjoyed this. And I hope you can tell if your a fangirl now ðŸ˜‰ 

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Movie: The Mortal Instruments: The City Of Bones

Movie: The Mortal Instruments: The City Of Bones


Fifteen-year-old Clary Fray, your average artsy teenage girl with her gamer/comic geek best friend Simon Lewis goes to the club Pandemonium. Inside, she sees a blue haired boy and a beautiful raven haired girl heading for the stored room with two boys following undetected behind them armed with what appears to be a knife. No one else seems to see them so she gets Simon to go get help while she follows them. She listens to a bizarre conversation about demons and watches the blue haired 'boy' being killed and suddenly vanishes. Clary being an artsy girl likes to draw and she can't seem to get a symbol out of her head, later she finds out that the people she saw in Pandemonium and the symbol are connected when she sees it again but on the blonde haired boy she saw with the knife. She then gets a frightening phone call from her mother and is sucked into a world where every fantasy story she read and every nightmare she's had is real…

(Same summary from The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones book review)


When I first watched this movie, I thought it was really good, but I had yet to read the books. Watching the movie was actually the reason I started reading the books because I wanted to know what happened next. It wasn't until I read the books that I realised how badly the movie was put together. They put spoilers for the rest of the books, like things that shouldn't have been released until the second or third book into the movie even though the movie was only supposed to be about the first book. There was also so much that happened in the books that they changed or that (in my opinion) was important that they just didn't put into the movie. Then there were parts that weren't even part of the book that were added in when they weren't needed. I do think that the actors that played each part fit the roles perfectly and some of the scenes where good (not all of them though), but even though I personally love the Mortal Instruments series and Cassandra Clare is my all time favourite author but the movie doesn't do the book any justice. If I hadn't read the books I would think the movie was good but I have read the books.  

So to sum up this review I would rate this movie 2 stars. ««
