Wednesday 20 April 2016

How You Know You're a Fangirl!

How You Know You're a Fangirl!

1.You are ready at anytime to have a heated debate on why your fandom is the best and why a hater should really be loving it.

2.You basically have a shrine in your room full of merchandise  of the fandom you love ❤️ (mostly hardcore fangirls though, see: Different types of Fangirl). 

3.Whenever you see an ad for their movie/ the book trailer/ or their new music video you don't skip it, you do a little happy dance, smile and/or scream, steal, giggle and shout (You're Fangirling). 

4.No matter how shitty/ bad the fanfic you're reading is, if it's about your fandom or your OTP you have an obsession with it and you just can't put it down. Plus you just have to befriend the author because they just get you and your love of your fandom. 

5.You want your own fandom related tattoo (once your old enough or your parents allow you  that is, personally I want an angelic rune or a fearless rune) and you know every tattoo, piercing etc. that your favourite character/ band member/ actor/ singer etc. has. 

6.You happy cry whenever someone gives you something or anything related to your fandom, like a limited edition book cover or a sound track or t-shirt…

7.You know absolutely everything about your fandom and love it when people ask you about it so you can just talk and talk and talk about it, until you run out of things to say. (Which usually takes a while) 😉

Hope you Enjoyed this. And I hope you can tell if your a fangirl now ðŸ˜‰ 

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